Thursday, January 24, 2008


19 Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Web Site!

1. It is the most cost-effective way to advertise.

2. Your customers expect it.

3. You will sell more products and services.

4. You will be able to provide information to your customers more cost effectively.

5. You can receive feedback via your Web site.

6. It is much easier to stay in contact with distributors and sales reps.

7. You can provide better customer service.

8. It's the best way to stay competitive -- considering that most of your rivals already own their own Web sites or are looking into getting one.

9. Your business will grow immediately. Any small, local business has the ability to be an instant international sensation with franchise penetration in every city -- simply by getting an on-line presence.

10. Your business will look more professional.

11. You will gain credibility. A professional, well-designed site makes your business look successful, and builds trust in your company and its products/services.

12. You are open 24/7 without any added overhead and your sales potential may increase exponentially.

13. You have the ability to update sales information in real-time.

14. It is much more convenient for your customers to purchase your goods and services on-line than by physically coming to your location.

15. You can introduce new products to the market faster.

16. You can display your entire inventory without increasing warehousing costs.

17. Update your documents and manuals online in one centralized location.

18. Expose your business to new markets you may not otherwise reach.

19. You can't afford not to. With Internet sales increasing almost 400% in the last six years, it's just good common sense to boost your business onboard the Internet superhighway.

For help or questions about why you need a web site, contact G2Apex at or call 408-454-6543

For more articles like this, go to

Alexander Welz has over 17 years of experience in such diverse fields as computer engineering, customer relations, systemizing business practices, research and development, and business consulting. Alex currently owns and operates a Website sales and hosting businessErika Blog56660
Fawnia Blog85207

Most Comprehensive Directory of Current and Active Wholesalers

It has been more than a decade that we have been utilizing the power of the Internet to get in touch with retailers, suppliers and wholesalers through our website.

SaleHoo has been one of the most trusted, appreciated and valued websites for the entrepreneurs keen on contacting wholesalers and dealers via Internet.

The reason is that we offer the most comprehensive directory of current and active wholesalers in numerous product categories. This facilitates the visitors, to locate the wholesalers and distributors for the product of their choice.

Today, business owners are on a constant hunt for various methods that can offer them instant fame, success, and profits. Hence, they trust Internet for all their business activities and deals. However, the most important aspect they tend to neglect in this regard is to measure the authenticity security facility and product quality many websites offer these days.

SaleHoo believes in accepting customers once they get fully gratified and sure of the originality & authenticity of the products and services we offer. We cordially invite our prospective customers to compare the services we render, with many other respective sites and than decide.

The confidence we exhibit comes from the most genuine, legitimate wholesalers and distributors we deal with. With SaleHoo, you can be doubly sure of the fact that the wholesalers and distributors you contact would sell you original and brand new products. And all this, at unbelievable prices!

In case you have apprehensions on why these wholesalers and distributors sell products at comparatively low prices, we would like to acquaint you with the fact that they source direct from manufacturers or the closest source possible to them.

You need not worry about the security problem you have to face otherwise when dealing directly with Chinese suppliers. All you have to do is to contact us and rest assured that you are dealing with the most secure methods of payment.

Simon Slade is an expert in international marketing. He is the owner of SaleHoo and some other shopping sites. To find wholesale Shopping Products, Wholesale Computers and Laptops, Wholesale Jewelry and Wholesale Scooters & Pocket Bikes Please visit Blog29705
Viole Blog33462

Advertising Nursery Products On TV - Part 1

Advertising various products on television successfully involves the consideration of several art forms. The most common advertising on TV involves the production of 30 second commercials, the 15 second commercials or other longer or shorter timed spots. With eye catching, interesting 30 second spots that are well thought out and developed, the targeted advertisement can create dramatic increases in sales results. Sometimes customers will show up at the front door of an advertising nursery business, only a few minutes after the the ad runs, that is, as fast as the viewer of the ad can drive to the business location. The quickness of the response will depend on how urgently the targeted customer feels compelled to rush out and decide whether or not to buy the product advertised. A customer may feel that a low priced sale product is a good buy, so there is an immediate impulse to purchase this product now, before a potentially limited inventory is sold out and no longer available.

Most sales resulting from TV ads are not sudden but occur only by the repetition of the ads, over and over. The repeated showing of TV ads reminds potential customers that the product can be conveniently purchased now, and thus, the ad may subconsciously create an impulsive need to buy that item in the mind-set of a potential customer. There is no question that the advertising works and has been dynamic and consistent in the success of participating business. Magazines, Newspapers, and the Internet, pay-per-click advertisers all have harvested the abundant rewards of presenting thoughtful advertising campaigns before the eyes and ears of the public. A plant nursery may find that it cannot generate enough income from hometown friends that will favorably allow his business expenses to support a profitable operation, enough to remain in business. If that plant nursery can draw in enough customers from a major trading area (100 miles), the plant nursery may attract an astounding amount of buyers of drive-in trade. The outcome of a TV advertising campaign depends on many factors.

Thirty years ago regional advertising was done primarily by showing static pictures of a nursery storefront in a 30 second ad that was accompanied by a background, announcers voice that promoted general nursery products offered by the advertiser. Early morning ads are less viewed, and the ads can be an inexpensive $50.00 each, whereas, soap opera TV and evening news reports draw thousands the TV screens, and the ads may cost hundreds of dollars each for a 30 second advertising exposure. Weekend advertising rates often can be one-half or less, in cost, than Monday through Friday advertising. Many TV stations will not generally take ad accounts unless the nursery budget allows, and contracts are enforced to spend at least $500 per week. Very often the nursery business sales will build up gradually with effective ad spots, week after week, with Saturday sale receipts dominating----primarily, because gardening is a busy activity planned by home gardeners for weekends. Buyers of nursery plants leave their weekday offices to buy trees flowers and shrubs on Saturday that can be planted during the weekend. Growing plants relaxes office workers and provides recreational relaxation and a personal planting opportunity to harvest fruit, berry and grape treat-rewards, unlike an impersonal signed office check from his employer for the office duties performed.

Some TV stations will offer to a consistent and valuable advertiser, a bonus story on news programs such as interviewing a nursery owner with such questions as: What is the best time to plant apple trees? What is the best variety of fig tree for planting in my area that will survive freezes? These bonus news interviews are often overwhelming in producing customer buyers and huge sales, if the informational news coverage is supplemented with frequent 30 second nursery plant ads.

For the most profound TV influence on garden buyers the TV station representative will outline to the advertiser certain age groups or income brackets of customers to target for maximum sales. For plant and nursery TV sales success, an advertiser will be directed to the weather reports that will target farmers and gardeners whose interests are strongly aligned with environmental changes in the weather, that directly contribute to planting outcomes. Some early morning weather reports offer small audiences, but the low cost of the ads may attract enough customers to make TV advertising rewarding for plant nursery operations.

A very important question on whether or not to advertise plants on TV is how many competitors are advertising similar plant products? If a total plant market is viewed on TV as a pie, the pie is only so large and the advertiser must retrieve a large enough market share or else the TV advertising may not be profitable to continue. Advertising low sales prices on common plants, such as flowering dogwood trees or grapevines, will lure in customers to buy low profit, marginal plants, but usually they will buy much more, thus, making sales profitable and advisable to continue running low price sales on TV .

An important consideration in using TV advertising is the realization that such businesses as automobile dealers may sell a car, as a result of advertising, that nets $30,000, so that such a high ticket item generates huge amounts of income to finance their TV advertising campaigns. A nursery owner can usually not hope to compete on high traffic programs such as nightly news programs with the idea of seeing an advertised item that might only generate $20 in sales against the strongly financed automobile dealers, unless the TV station understands the burden that a nursery operator faces. Sometimes TV management, for one reason or another, will offer the nursery advertiser a price handicap that makes sense.

For advertising on TV a 30 second commercial, a business must give a message that includes the products offered for sale, the location and name of the business being advertised and the phone number and website address. The 30 second advertisement of nursery plant products should mention 4 to 5 different plants with colorful photos of the plants, preferably plants of unrelated groups. Such separate groups might be: Oak tree, amaryllis bulb, peach tree, raspberry bushes.

Patrick A. Malcolm, owner of TyTy Nursery, has an M.S. degree in Biochemistry and has owned and operated TyTy Nursery for over three decades. http://www.tytyga.comVikky Blog84299
Veronika Blog84141

How To Protect Yourself From Scams

It makes no difference if you are thinking about starting a business, shopping or just looking for a new job online, you can protect yourself from some of the cleverest scams online if you just follow the simple steps below.

(1) You can always find out information on a company or person by doing a quick search online. Go to Goggle or Yahoo and type in the company or person name and then type in the word scam after. Follow all leads. If no leads show up, then that is a good thing. It means there are no complaints on them online.

(2) Check with the state's Attorney General's Office to see if the company or person have received a series of complaints.

(3) Check with the National Fraud Information Center at: to see if the company or person is listed. They provide a lot of information about telephone, mail, and online scams.

(4) Make sure the company or person you plan to do business with have a phone number and physical address. Call the company or person to see if the phone number actually belongs to them.

(5) Always make sure that you get a guarantee. Ask the company what will happen if you want to return the product or what do you need to do if you want a refund.

(6) Be cautious of companies who ask for your bank account info, or ask permission to deposit money into your bank account.

(7) Try to use your credit card instead of cash if you buy a product or invest in a business opportunity. That way if you do get ripped off, it may be easier to dispute the charges with your credit card company.

(8) Never do business with anyone in the country of Nigeria. If you do, you are fair game. The Nigerian Government is in on most of the scams from that country. This is just too large a business for Nigeria to crack down on. It would be like Nevada trying to close the casinos in Las Vegas. There have been numerous reports of high-level officials of the Nigerian government and the Central Bank of Nigeria personally participating in some scams.

(9) Don't reply to bulk email. You don't wont to do business with someone who likes to spam people. Why? If they are bold enough to spam you, then they are bold enough to ripping you off!

(10) Never buy a product or business opportunity with out getting a receipt or confirmation number. If you don't get one or the other, then it's your word against theirs. With out proof, you will loose every time.

(11) Use common sense! If it sound too good to be true! Guess what? Its a scam!

Don't Become Their Next Victim.

Randy McClurkinVanni Blog57632
Vivi Blog87545

How To Develop A Powerful USP for Your Direct Marketing Business

Why You Need a USP

One of the first steps in creating a marketing plan is developing a USP, or Unique Selling Proposition (sometimes called a Unique Selling Point or a positioning statement). A USP is an ultimate statement of benefit, or the single most compelling reason why a customer should buy from you over your competition. In a short, meaningful, specific sentence, a USP describes your primary distinguishing feature to your target market and lets them know whats in it for them if they do business with you.

According to Rosser Reeves, the author of Reality in Advertising who coined the USP, the three requirements for a USP are:

1. Each advertisement must make a proposition to the customer: "buy this product, and you will get this specific benefit."

2. The proposition itself must be unique - something that competitors do not, or will not, offer.

3. The proposition must be strong enough to pull new customers to the product.

Some of most well know USP examples are:

Domino's Pizza - "You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less."

FedEx - "Your package absolutely, positively has to get there overnight"

M&M's - "The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand"

Wonder Bread - "It helps build strong bones 12 ways"

But what if such a proprietary advantage does not exist? What if your product is basically the same as your competitions, with no special distinguishing? Check this out: Once M&M established their USP: M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand" - what could the competition do? Run an ad that said, "We also melt in your mouth, not in your hand!"? It reminds me of an example from the book Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins that has gone on to become a classic story used to describe USPs. It goes something like this:

Schlitz Beer had hired Hopkins to increase their falling market share. At the time the beer companies were frantically buying bigger and bigger advertising space to promote the word PURE. Everyone said their beer was pure, but no one bothered to explain to the public what pure meant this meant.

The first thing Hopkins did was take a tour of the Schlitz Brewery. He was shown plate-glass rooms filled with filtered air where beer was dripped over pipes to cool without any impurities. He was shown huge expensive filters that were each cleaned twice daily to ensure the products purity. He notices that each bottle was sterilized four separate times before being filled with beer. He was even shown 4,000 foot deep artesian wells dug to provide the cleanest, purest water available, even though the factory was right on the shore of Lake Michigan (which at the time was not polluted and could still provide clean water).

After his tour Hopkins exclaimed, Why dont you tell people these things? The company responded that every beer manufacturer does it the same way. To that Hopkins replied, But others have never told this story And Hopkins went on to create an advertising campaign that explained to people exactly what makes Schlitz beer pure. It was highlighted with the tagline Schlitz beer bottles Washed with live steam. He told the same story any brewer could have, but he gave meaning to purity. That is what took Schlitz from 5th place to tie for 1st place in market share.

Creating a USP for Your Business

When developing the USP for your business it can be helpful to try thinking in the customers point of view: why should they buy from you, not why you should sell to them. Your USP should state what the most important benefit is to the customer in the target market you are trying to reach. Trying to appeal to everyone will not give you an effective USP. Focus on the clients that are your greatest income makers and direct the USP to them. You want to attract the ideal client, not just any client.

Here are some questions that a USP should answer:

- What problem are you the answer to?
- What quality makes you different, better or more desirable than the competition?
- What opportunity can you present to potential customers that others can or do not?
- Why should people buy from you?

When answering some of these questions, it is not enough to say Our service is better, or Our product is better quality. These statements are not compelling reasons to choose your business over any other business.

Also be sure to focus on a uniqueness that is actually meaningful to your customers. Building your USP around a feature is relatively unimportant to potential customers, and will not move them to try your product or service.

You can start by crafting a statement that defines what makes your product or service unique and special. You might want to start with a long statement of two or three paragraphs, and then work from there. If you are already have an existing business, ask clients what they value most about the way you do business? And also ask yourself: "In what ways do I benefit my customers?"

Continue editing your statement until it is short, snappy, to the point and describes your uniqueness in a way your customers care about. Once you get your USP finalized, start sharing it with your target market, and let them know what you can do for them. Plaster your USP in your marketing materials, at networking events, on your business cards, on your website and any other time you are given the opportunity.

Just remember, a USP is free, easy to duplicate and communicate, and above all, tells your prospects what's in it for them if they do business with you. Be sure to take the time to properly develop a USP that will work for you, your business and your target market.

Justin Michie is a well respected Internet Marketer and author of the brand new Internet Marketing book Street Smart Internet Marketing, found at: To download his free ebook titled 99 Internet Marketing Tips That Youll Want to Know go to For more free articles or to sign up for Justins newsletter check out Reprint Information: Everyone may reprint the article in any free publication as long as it is used in its entirety, including this signature with active links, and is not changed in any way. Fabrianne Blog3814
Fawne Blog1380

Are You Making As Much Money As You Should Be With Search Engine Marketing? Here Are Seven Questions To Help With Your Evaluation.

As with any industry in its infancy, the search engine marketing and search engine optimization professions are full of many people making claims of professional expertise. With no standardized set of professional certifications or demonstration of competency, just about anyone can claim to be an expert in search engine marketing.

How do you know if the adviser you are working with is any good? Unfortunately, there is no central spot allowing you to research an advisers professional qualifications and results history. This leaves you with both subjective and quantitative analysis to be done to arrive at your conclusion. Here are some key questions to ask:

How well am I doing?

Mike Moran, IBMs search engine marketing expert, states that many companies make the mistake of measuring their performance against others. The error with this approach is that it fails to allow for differences between businesses goals and objectives, as well as fails to acknowledge incremental improvements gained through search marketing efforts.

Its also important to make sure you are evaluating the elements that are really important to your business success. Most organic search marketing programs need six months or more for maximum impacts. With all this being said, the key thing to look for is consistent incremental improvements in your key metric performance areas.

What is this costing me?

The purpose of a search engine marketing or search engine optimization adviser is to make you money. Obviously, if your results are improving, thats a good sign. However, its a short-sighted approach to focus on growth only without costs being considered. Great advisers provide gross results and net results with management and advisory fees included. This allows you to fully assess how much you are paying for performance.

Am I getting the correct advice?

Is the advice you are getting specific to your situation, or is your adviser currently promoting the latest internet fad that they recommend to everyone? What qualifications does the adviser have to make recommendations? What attempts has the adviser made to understand your business objectives and processes. What do they know about your other marketing initiatives, both traditional and online?

Your adviser should be up-to-date on the latest communication technologies and their impacts on search marketing. They should be actively involved in trade associations promoting best practices, ethical search engine marketing standards and on-going education. Some of the professional associations promoting these ideals include the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), the Web Analytics Association, the eMarketing Association, the American Marketing Association and the Direct Marketing Association.

How often do I hear from my adviser?

Regular interactions with your adviser are crucial for long-term, consistent search engine marketing success. The purpose of these interactions is to discuss results and take corrective actions.

Search engines constantly change the factors they use to provide organic search results. The highly competitive and ever-changing nature of online marketing demands more than just yearly attention to your search engine marketing program. A quarterly review should be the minimum requirement for most search marketers.

Great advisers also publish newsletters, write blogs, and produce podcasts, all with the intention of increasing your online marketing knowledge and effectiveness.

Finally, ask yourself how often you hear from your adviser and how long it takes them to respond to your inquiries. If the only time you hear from them is when they want you to buy something, that may indicate a need for a change.

Is my adviser putting my interests first?

Trust your instincts on this one. Is your adviser more interested in getting your money or in helping your business profit from their efforts? Are you working with a bill you by the second machine or someone that appears genuinely interested in seeing your business grow? Do you feel like your adviser really cares about what happens with your investment and its return?

Do I need more than search engine marketing advice?

Developing search engine marketing and search engine optimization strategies and tactics may be all you need from a search engine marketing adviser, but most companies require a broader array of professional services, including web site development, copywriting, ad campaign management, web performance analytics and more. Is your adviser capable of providing that?

A great search marketing adviser helps your business to be found online; works to convert web site visitors into desired business actions; and, measures impacts and analyzes data to ensure peak marketing results. This often requires the search engine marketing adviser to offer programming and development services, graphic design, link building, newsletter, web page and other copywriting services, web analytics services and much more.

Make an assessment of your current and future online marketing needs and make sure your adviser has the professional expertise to assist in those areas.

Still unsure if you are working with the right adviser?

Ask for advice from professional trade organizations like those mentioned earlier within this article. Ask your accountant about other businesses like yours (not direct competitors) that are growing well and contact them to find out who they work with.

For those of you with multiple websites or businesses, hire multiple advisers. Let them dish it out while you evaluate who performs the best. Returns are important but also test them by asking their opinion on issues of importance to you. Youll learn a lot by the answers you receive.

© 2006. BizGrowth Search Engine Solutions and Brian Offenberger. All rights reserved. Permission to publish online or in print granted provided the article and byline are printed intact with live links.

Brian Offenberger, CeMVanda Blog17655
Valli Blog66795

Ideas For Starting An Internet Business

After the third of my four daughters left the nest, I realized I was being forced into retirement. So I decided to go on a job hunt. My career as a full-time mother was about over. I had received the equivalent of the gold watch. The only daughter left at home was well into high school. Circumstances and my daughters were telling me, Time for a CHANGE. I started with revving up my selling on eBay. After a few months I was at Powerseller status. By then I had run out of things to sell around my house. Tim (my husband) wont miss that lamp, will he? One can get really caught up in selling on eBay.

I had to start to find other items to sell online. My English professors would be proud of the massive research I did to find products for my eBay site. I attacked searching for items to sell like I would have my ex-husbands mistress. Countless hours were spent hunting down leads to wholesalers of lingerie, ladies clothing, and collectibles. My searching was successful and I spend a few years selling massive amounts of them. The secret is to keep your eyes open to new trends and the latest thing. Be flexible and ready to move with the market.

With eBay there is a large investment of time and money. There are listing fees, final value fees, gallery photos and other upgrades for your listings. Also, the shipping can be tiresome. I dont mean to discourage anyone, just caution that it is a large investment of time to run an eBay site or store. EBay is a wonderful place to START your Internet presence. But dont let it end there.

What one needs to have a solid Online Internet Business presence is multiple streams of income. The best way to do that is to sign up to be an affiliate for different companies. An affiliate is somewhat like a Sales Representative. You represent a company and introduce people to their products and services. In return you get a percentage of the sales. This can be a one time payment such as with the company SeizeCars, which is an auction site for government seized cars, boats and vessels. They have all makes and models for sale up to 95% off retail. Listings are guaranteed in every state.

Other companies have many levels of residual payments. For instance Success University, pays out commissions on a multilevel matrix. Success University offers a wonderful opportunity to LEARN the principles of success while being able to earn excellent profits. No one ever teaches us HOW to be wealthy or HOW to find success. A little secret here, it is in our attitude if we think it and believe it, we WILL achieve it. Success University offers courses in Finances, Real Estate, Fitness, Self Improvement, Sales and many more aspects of a successful life.

Another excellent opportunity in affiliate marketing is a company called SFI, . Their products range from all natural cleaners for the home, health supplements, long distance phone service, broadband internet cell phone service, to merchant financial solutions. SFIs compensation plan is very good. You get credit for every person who signs up after you in SFI. This means that you get a check monthly for as long as you are in the program. Within a month I had over 40,000 people under me in all countries in the world. This is not to be confused with the commissions you get for your personally enrolled affiliates, it is an added bonus.

Do Not stop at one source of income for your online business. The Internet is YOUNG. Get in now and grow with it. Each of the sites I talked about offer many marketing strategies that can be used in all Internet businesses. Success University and SFI offer free websites, banners, forums, ezine articles, newsletters, and best of all step-by-step training in Online Internet Business, Home Based Business, and specifically their company.

Click on these sites to learn more about these affiliate programs. They offer magnificent opportunities to achieveAchieve what? That is up to YOU.

Patricia Brady is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Patricia recommends you visit: http://www.Online-Business-ForYou.comEudora Blog11031
Fifi Blog26031

Building An Audience For Your Internet Marketing Business

Im willing to bet many of the things you have purchased or signed-up for are products and services that have been endorsed by people you know, admire, and trust. And a majority of these endorsements have probably come through email communication.

But you dont follow the recommendations of just anyone who sends you an email, do you? Of course you dont.

You are probably in the habit of deleting several emails each day from people you have never met who want to sell you prescription drugs, discount software, and search engine submission services. But there are other emails you look forward to getting, and probably open as soon as you see them in your inbox.

Perhaps there are a couple of weekly newsletters you really enjoy. And maybe you are subscribed to a special announcement list that always delivers very exciting information.

You may respect the person who sends these emails because of their achievements as a marketer. Or it could be that you just plain like their personality and get a kick out of their writing style.

Either way, you are quite likely to at least have a look at something recommended in an email from someone whose work you appreciate. Whats more, if its something that peaks your interest, the endorsement from an individual you have grown to like and trust is often enough to encourage you to go ahead and buy.

This is human nature. We love to buy, but dont much care for the idea of being sold. A friendly suggestion made by a person we like carries tenfold the power of the worlds slickest sales pitch.

Once you begin the process of building your own opt-in list, you cant just start blasting away with cheesy sales copy and expect positive results. Granted, there are people out there who will buy anything with a price tag, but you cant be certain those people will be on your list right away. You have to give your readers some quality information, and let them have the chance to get to know a little about who you are.

A big part of Internet marketing is building mutually beneficial relationships. If you have some valuable knowledge, share this with your readers and ask for nothing in return. If you have a way with words and funny antic dotes, make them laugh. The retail transactions take a back seat to personal interaction and honest communication. You want the people on your list to regard you as a friend, and you want them to see you as a leader.

It doesnt matter whether your list is built on the premise of a ten day automated training series, or weekly updates that you send manually. The relevant issue is how personal you make each message that you compose.

Provide your contact information in every email you send, and encourage people to use it. Let your subscribers know on a regular basis that you would be happy to hear from them.

Always respond as quickly as possible to any correspondence you receive from a member of your personal list. A subscriber who takes the time to contact you should be treated as your top priority.

Ultimately, you want to create more than just a list of people who are willing to receive your emails. You should be striving to build a dedicated audience who reads your messages as soon as they find them and looks forward to your next communication.

Every leader has a following, and by this token every successful Internet marketer has an audience. The way to achieve this is by giving your opt-in prospects more information than they need, and always taking the time to help them, or even just chat with them, when they ask for it. Become the person your readers go to when they have a question and your road to profit will become a lot shorter and much less bumpy.

Successful Internet marketing is not about blasting your ads to 1 million random email addresses or posting your text links on every site that will accept them. Its about stepping out of the crowd and being viewed as someone who has a purpose and a message.

You cant fake it. But you can do it if you are willing to put yourself out there.

Tim Whiston is a full-time entrepreneur and Internet marketer. He provides design and marketing services, and has published a number of popular e-books. Check out his Internet Marketing Course to learn more. Blog2744
Venus Blog13848

Why Pay Others To Recover Unclaimed Money Payable To You? Do It On Your Own!

If you have received communication indicating that you may be owed unclaimed money by an individual offering to recover your unclaimed money at a hefty cost, then you are not the only one to have received such an offer. Such offers are very common. However, individuals baulk at the idea of paying a lot of money to recover their own money. If you want to recover your unclaimed money without denting your wallet, there is an effective and efficient method for you to do so.

Contrary to the fears of some individuals, the service of recovery of funds or finding of money is not illegal. It is a legal service offered by property locators or by heir finders.

Unclaimed money recovery services are regulated by the law. So much so the maximum that can be charged from a person who is owed unclaimed money has been provided for in the law. The money is paid for the efforts of the individual to bring the existence of proof of unclaimed money to the individual.

If you are not comfortable with the idea of paying some other person for locating YOUR money, then you can act on your own and try to claim the money yourself.

The money that you had deposited in the old checking or savings accounts or the value in the stocks, bonds, dividends, insurance policies and safety deposit boxes, which have been forgotten and ignored are the prime constituents of unclaimed money. If you remain untraceable, the institutions shall hand over the money to the State after the expiry of a fixed period of time.

Once the money is handed over, the agencies hold it waiting for you to come and claim the same. These agencies are required to advertise and are expected to try to contact you to repay the money. However, this never does happen and the owners are expected to take the initiative.

Searching for unclaimed money is very simple. The first thing to do is to search an unclaimed money database. If the database searches details of unclaimed money from all state and federal databases, then that is the database that you ought to be using. Using any other database will give you incomplete results. You may still be owed unclaimed money.

All-in-one databases charge for their service. However, the databases do not demand immediate payment. They allow one free search to the individual to determine if he or she is owed money or not. Then, it is for the individual to decide.

Once the unclaimed money is found, all one has to do is fill the appropriate forms, which can be downloaded from most of the websites for free. The individual is required to attach proof of identification and/ or proof of either ownership or entitlement of the unclaimed money. Together, the two documents should suffice.

Verification process is initiated if the documents and the form are found to be in order. The unclaimed money check should arrive, at the earliest, within two weeks and, at the latest, within sixteen weeks.

If additional documents are required, you shall be contacted by the agency.

If you follow this procedure, you can easily find and claim the unclaimed money without having to pay even a single cent to any other person.

Nicole Anderson offers detailed information about the problem unclaimed money at The database of includes information from the state as well federal databases. The website offers unlimited search to the members. A free money search to locate your missing money is possible today.Valina Blog84766
Fey Blog14255

4 Ways To Increase Your Company's Sales

When faced with diminishing sales or a shift in profitability, sometimes a company will seek opportunities to expand sales by using different marketing methods. These time-tested marketing principles are used by businesses to seek out new opportunities to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

There are 4 ways to increase sales and expand revenue for your company. It is not necessary to use more than one of these methods. The best choice of the 4 methods is the one that will meet the needs of the company and the consumer best. This will provide a win-win situation for all concerned.

To increase sales consider one of the following methods for seeking opportunities in your target market:

1. Market Penetration:

Increase the market share of your current products in your present market. By up scaling your marketing mix you can increase your sales. To do this you advertise your present products more frequently and promote your company's image to the public through institutional advertising and publicity.

2. Market Development

You can also try to sell your present products in new markets. You have to do some market research on the needs of the consumers in these markets first. Your product may have other demographic groups that need it as well. This is a recommended area to investigate for more profit. Often your present products are in demand in other locations, with other age groups, or professional groups. This is an opportunity for more sales many companies look for.

3. Product development

You can increase your sales by offering new and improved products to your present market. This will give you an edge over your competition. Your customers will view your company as being progressive and up to date. This is not only a great way to increase sales, but your customers will remember your company because of the unique product you sell.

4. Diversification

If you are well established in one line of business, you may wish to diversify into a totally new one. This means moving into a new market with a new product. This can keep your profits on the rise. Here again, market research and marketing plans have to be made first.

As you can see there are opportunities for gaining sales in all four areas. The best choice for your business depends on your goals and the resources you have. The best way to capitalize on these strategies is to start with your present strengths and look for market opportunities that complement them. Then do your market research and planning. The sky is the limit when you plan ahead using these proven marketing tactics.

This article may be reprinted in full. The resource box and hyperlink must remain intact.

Marc Entz is the Editor of The SavePress Smart Money Directory, a new upbeat site for people who like valuable resources for saving money. You can read several articles with tips for business or pleasure, or catch up on a variety of related news at our website online now: Blog62814
Fifi Blog31214

Direct Marketing Ad: Nine Ways To Effectively Advertise Your Business In Magazines

Have you ever spent hundreds or thousands of dollars placing an ad in a magazine and not have a good response? Have you been confused as to why your ad did not work like you had hoped?

Here are 9 basic tips for advertising your business in magazines.

1. Color ads are generally more effective than black/white ads. The exception is, if the page you are advertising is in color and your ad is black/white. The black/white ad can even be more profitable if it is done well.

2. A full page ad is often thought to do better. Again there can be exceptions to the rule. If you have a black/white ad against color ads, you can have the ad smaller and generate more response. Or, if your ad is placed in a more opportune location in the magazine.

3. The most effective placements in a magazine are the following: First the back cover of the magazine, second, is the inside front two pages. Third, the inside back two pages. Also good placements for ads are on the outside of each page. As people browse through, they will see those ads before they see ads closer to the center.

4. Ads that are placed with wording around them are ideal. The reason being that while people are reading they will glance more than once at the ad. It gives you more exposure time. Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture someone's attention.

5. The ad itself needs to be neat and eye catching. If there is too much verbiage, you have lost potential business. Most people are visual and will not take the time to read a lengthy ad. Make sure to get your point across with a picture (or pictures) and words.

6. Bullet Point your ideas. Keep them brief and to the point. Take time to think about your company. Make a list of the most important things your company offers. What are you most passionate about? Translate those ideas to your ad.

7. Make sure phrases, words, prices, phone numbers, etc., are eye catching. Use various fonts, sizes of fonts, bold, italic, etc., to draw attention to different points. If the font in the ad is the same, it will blend in and important information will be lost.

8. It is critical when placing an ad, to choose a magazine that hits your target market. If you sell health products, advertise in a chiropractic magazine. If you have a home based business, advertise in a home based business magazine or entrepreneur magazine.

9. Get statistics from the company. Number of circulation, areas of circulation, how the magazine is distributed, etc.

I am convinced that you can have effective advertising if you use these guidelines. The goal is to keep advertising costs to a minimum and still receive the response you are looking for. Statics show that people will look at an ad up to seven times before responding. Be patient, your phone may or may not start ringing off the hook. However, if you have done everything right you will receive good business from your advertising.

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit Blog84655
Vinny Blog64004

Three Houston Schools In Trouble Public Upset Over Possible Closings

Three Houston schools have been persistently rated as unsatisfactory by state guidelines for three or more years. As with most school closing warnings across the nation, the parents, community, and elected officials with a political stake in the area are up in arms over the possibility.

Though parents want their children to attend schools within their own neighborhood, I believe the community must look at the cost of keeping these three schools open the students are failing, unable to meet the bare minimum requirements of the state! With their futures at risk, I would think that parents would want their children at better performing schools.

The Houston schools ratings are based on statewide student achievement tests and the overall dropout and graduation rates of each school. If a proposed policy by the Texas Education Agency is adopted, then the state education commissioner will be able to close in the near future any school that is rated unsatisfactory for four consecutive years. Thus, Houston schools Superintendent Dr. Abelardo Saavedra is only preparing the public, in case the schools do not gain a satisfactory rating at the end of the 2006-2007 school year.

In 2005, Saavedra warned that Kashmere High School, Sam Houston High School, and McReynolds Middle School needed to improve their ratings or drastic measures would be taken. Privatization of the schools was mentioned then; however, the Houston schools currently are preparing for closing the schools, if they again are rated unsatisfactory.

During the last school year, the Houston schools changed administrators at several chronically unsatisfactory schools and a large percentage of the teaching staff at each school. Though tremendous improvement was seen at Kashmere, Sam Houston, and McReynolds, there was not enough progress made and they were again rated as unsatisfactory.

For the 2006-2007 school year, the Houston schools have developed a year-long campaign in hopes of saving the three schools. School hours will be extended in order to provide more instruction time to the students, top-rated teachers have been hired to co-teach in problem classes, and an educational achievement plan will be created for each student. All three schools for this year will be under the supervision of Dr. Karen Soehnge, the Houston schools chief academic officer.

The Houston schools have looked at several strategies to save these schools. The ones they have implemented up-to-now have failed. If this current campaign fails as well, then the schools will be closed. It is a improve immediately or close the doors situation for the schools, the students, and the educators.

All students deserve a quality education, and it is obvious that schools, which continue to be rated unsatisfactory, are not providing such. The Houston schools must do better for these children.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Houston schools visit Blog66663
Vikky Blog84299

Yellow Pages Advertising in a Digital Age?

Do customers still use PRINT Yellow Page directories, or has everything gone digital? Well, physicians, auto repair shops, attorneys, dentists, plumbers, insurance agencies, veterinarians and florists... Just these 8 (out of 300) categories alone were referenced nearly 3 BILLION times in 2005. Now consider that online Yellow Pages were referenced a measly 1.8 billion times for ALL BUSINESS CATEGORIES, and you can see that print Yellow Page directories are still one of the very best ways to reach valuable local prospects at the very time theyre in need of your product or service.

In fact, certain companies live and die by the Yellow Pages. Businesses like Restaurants, Attorneys, Dentists, Plumbers, Insurance Agents, Veterinarians, Florists and Beauty Salons are among the top 20 most referenced headings published by the Yellow Pages Association. To find out how important the Yellow Pages might be to your business, get a copy of the Top 300 Headings published by the Yellow Pages Association (call 800-726-7006 for a free copy). Youll be able to see exactly how your business category stacks up in terms of reader usage. For businesses in the Top 50, the question isnt should I be in the Yellow Pages? but rather how do I maximize my return on investment?

So, how do you generate the best response from your Yellow Pages ad?

Your ads success in the Yellow Pages depends largely on just two main factors...the LOOK and CONTENT of your ad. At the end of the day, these two factors will determine your Yellow Pages advertising ROI. Other factors such as directory selection, colors, ad size and headings (often over-emphasized by advertising sales reps) are far less important and relatively easy to address. Your greater challenge will be in developing a Yellow Page ad that visually leaps off the page and then persuades prospects that YOU are the very best business to call. How do you do that?

As a professional Yellow Pages ad designer with a history of generating outstanding customer response and ROI for my clients, Ive written a series of articles offering in-depth analysis and advice on each element of successful Yellow Page ads. For convenience, Ive summarized my main points here, and provided a link to these articles in my signature block.

Fundamentals of Yellow Pages advertising - rake in the phone calls by:

1. Laser-targeting only your most important prospects.

2. Using a large, compelling headline and unexpected images that work together to attract the eye of your prospect and set your business apart in a meaningful way.

3. Writing compelling copy that speaks to the emotional needs and desires of your target audience.

4. Using a powerful call-to-action near your phone number to close the deal (get the call).

A successful Yellow Page ad will have the power to visually stop readers in their tracks, draw them into the copy and persuade them with electric words that address their specific needs, concerns and fears. When you tap into their emotions, your prospects will feel comfortable and safe. And, they will respond to your Yellow Page ad before any other advertisement in your heading.

Your prime local prospects are ready to call you and give you their business! Does your ad leave no doubt in their minds that you are the very best business to call? If not, let me know, Id be happy to assist.

John MoranaFlorry Blog50680
Fidela Blog6545

Business Can Be Part-Time: Being A Mom Is Always Full-Time

Sometimes it might feel that your business is taking up all of your time. It can be very common to feel as though all you do is work on your business, answer calls, talk to clients and put out fires at the office. In fact, sometimes you may feel as if your family is being shoved to the background because you are too busy with work.

The thing that you need to remember, even when work gets crazy, is that business can be part time, but being a mom is always full time. Once you have children, you are a mom twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for fifty-two weeks of the year. You dont get time off, you dont get vacation, and you definitely dont get sick days. Once you become a mom, you are always a mom, and thats great! It just means that you need to reprioritize your life.

Depending on your business, you may have the flexibility to work part-time while your children are young, enjoying the best of both worlds. Some businesses allow working women the ability to care for their children, enjoying every moment that being a mother provides, while building a career and a future for that family.

Even if you dont have the ability to work your business part time while your children are young, you need to remember that business can be part-time and being a mom is always full time. This will never be so apparent than if you get a phone call in the middle of an important meeting that your child is sick at school and you need to come and pick him up. Being a mom means never taking a day off, no matter what!

If you dont feel like your current position or occupation allows you enough flexibility to spend ample time with your children, it doesnt hurt to take a look around. They are numerous jobs that allow you to spend time with your children, take care of them when they are sick, and make enough money to maintain your household. Dont ever feel that you are stuck in your current occupation because there are opportunities for everyone out there to make a life that is family-friendly and balanced. Your children are number one, and if your company doesnt understand that, then you can find a company that does. has job postings, books, and other resources that can help you find a desirable, flexible position that works with you and your children.

Need a little inspiration? Check out Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs: How Eleven Women Escaped Poverty and Became Their Own Bosses by Martha Shirk and Anna S. Wadia (available at Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs tells the inspirational stories of eleven low-income women who have marshaled the creative energy, confidence, and capital necessary to start their own small businesses. These women, who have used their entrepreneurial skills as a route out of poverty, give an American face to an economic empowerment tool that has enjoyed great success in developing countries. By becoming their own bosses, they not only provide for their children but also inspire them.

Real Estate, Business and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri specializes in Group Coaching for Small Business Owners, Working Mothers, Real Estate Agents and Managers. Learn more at

Real Estate, Business and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri specializes in Group Coaching for Small Business Owners, Working Mothers, Real Estate Agents and Managers. Learn more at http://www.NextLevelServices.netFreddy Blog56853
Vinnie Blog13907

The John Muir Learning Garden Brightens San Francisco Schools

Purpose of the Learning Garden

The John Muir Learning Garden is designed to give San Francisco Schools students a change to take learning further outside of the classroom. The Garden builds on the fundamental curriculum concerns of the elementary school and provides an opportunity for students to gain real life experience that complements their academic studies. San Francisco school students are able to integrate classroom literacy, mathematics, science, history, and language arts instruction through their participation in activities in the Learning Garden.

The Learning Garden reaches out to the community in providing outreach services for parents, neighbors, and interested volunteers. Mentor gardeners work with teachers and students to design educational opportunities. One of the interesting projects going on now is the sustainable composting program that takes organic waste from San Francisco school lunches and uses it for fertilizing garden projects instead of filling landfills. This is just one of many projects that combine garden training with practical real world environmental concerns. The events organized in the park help students and the community learn about how to protect the local environment while studying nature in an urban setting.

Partners of the Learning Garden

The Learning Garden would not be possible without the support in terms of time and money from a variety of neighborhood partners. San Francisco area businesses, organizations, and volunteer groups have all played a role in establishing the Learning Garden. Located in Daniel E. Koshland Park, the Learning Garden has benefited from the dedication of two part-time garden mentors provided by the Hayes Valley Neighborhoods Parks Group. These two women, Rebecca and Aubrey, have become part of the local community as they organize activities that raise local awareness about the environment.

Further assistance has come from the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, the Center for Ecoliteracy, the Recreation and Park Department, the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, and the San Francisco Zen Center. All of these organizations have devoted time and money to helping the John Muir Learning Garden become an environmental center for the San Francisco community, especially the children that attend John Muir Elementary School. In particular, the John Muir Learning Garden is indebted to the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, which donated the initial funds to start the Learning Garden and remains an active community partner with John Muir Elementary School.

A Look at John Muir Elementary School

John Muir Elementary School has a unique place within the San Francisco Public School System. Located in the Western Addition of San Francisco, it operates as a professional development school where education students from the San Francisco State Universitys Muir Alternative Teaching Program are able to hone their skills in a real world environment, learning how to specially adapt course for the urban classroom.

John Muir students come from a rich cultural background and are supported within the school community with language and literacy programs beginning in infancy. The programs also extend to the parents and families of John Muir Elementary School students. Within the San Francisco school district, John Muir Elementary School acts as a BASRC (Bay Area School Reform Collaborative) leadership school with a clear focus on literacy for the whole community.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Fifi Blog17308
Fatima Blog79579

Make Money Online - Helpful Advice On How To Start

Many people are looking at the internet as a way of earning an additional part-time or even full-time income. It can be a good idea but with millions of available options, and websites proclaiming to have the answers to questions you have not even thought of, where do you start ? This article will offer you advice that will at least get you started in the right direction.

You are probably reading this article for only a couple of reasons:

1. You do not currently make enough money and need to make more money on a part-time basis without compromising your full-time job. You do not have a lot of time available to make more money.

2. You are not happy in your job or do not like working for a boss. You are looking for an alternative way of earning money, preferably full-time but with something that you can start on a part-time basis. 3. You are already trying to make more money and have tried many different business opportunities but with no or very little success. You realize you need help.

If you can associate with one or more of the above-mentioned reasons for reading this article then please continue reading.

There are millions of people all over the world that do not like what they are doing for a living. Maybe it is the job itself, a rude boss, or not earning enough money to have a decent standard of living. Whatever the reason(s), most people find it very difficult to make a new start.

We are all creatures of habit that dislike change and value safety and security. Starting a business often takes us outside our comfort-zone. We need to build our confidence, not only in ourselves but also in any new opportunity that we are considering.

This can be achieved by:

- Learning as much as possible about any new opportunity.

- Having the possibility of doing it on a part-time basis as a trial to see whether it is any good.

- Spending as little money as possible on any new business opportunity. You don't want to add more stress to your life by spending lots of money (that you can't afford to spend) on things that may not work at all.

Many people consider the Internet as the ideal way of making more money. I agree with them. Problem is that most people actually lose more money on the Internet than make money. There are millions and millions of ecommerce websites on the Internet and it is estimated that at least 95% of these websites are losing money every month!

Why do I like to do business on the Internet?

a. It allows me to have an international business, potentially reaching many millions of people all over the world.

b. Like most people I do not enjoy face-to-face selling. With the Internet there is no need for face-to-face selling. No fear of being rejected by customers or insulted by people having a bad-hair-day.

c. I can make money 24 hours a day. Even while sleeping someone can be buying a product or service on my website.

d. I can run my business from anywhere in the world, as long as I have a computer and access to the Internet.

e. Once my business is setup it basically runs on autopilot. That does not mean I do not need to work on it. It means I do not have to spend eight hours every day working on it. One or two hours should be sufficient.

f. It allows me to have my own business with unlimited earning potential. Whatever I put in I can get out. The sky is the limit and I am not working to make my boss or company rich.

Fact of the matter is that it is becoming more and more difficult to ignore the massive ecommerce potential of the Internet. Whether you are selling products or services online or have any other type of business, you need the Internet to promote your business as more and more consumers are doing online searches to find what they are looking for. Does not matter if you are a plumber or an electrician, you will need the Internet more and more in the future to promote your business.

O.K. We have established that the Internet offers us a huge potential to make more money, part-time or full-time. We have also established that most people are not actually making any money from the Internet.

Where do we start?

We start by learning as much as possible at our own pace without forcing anything. Remember that knowledge is power!

I recommend that before you do anything on the Internet that you join a suitable company as an affiliate or join a network marketing company. The point is not whether you want to pursue a

long-term career as an affiliate. The important point is that you can join most affiliate programs for free and receive very valuable information and training for free. In addition, you can actually make a lot of money while learning! This, in my opinion, is the best, safest and easiest way to start.

Many companies that offer affiliate programs do their best to offer their affiliates as much training and support as possible. Why? It is in their best interest. The better advice, training and support they give you the more money you will make for them.

Remember that as an affiliate you do not need to buy or sell anything. You only need to get people to promote the company you are an affiliate of. All sales resulting in your referral will earn you a very nice commission, normally anything between 20% and 50% of the sales price. That is not bad at all! Many companies will even give you a free affiliate website that you can promote.

What is the catch?

The catch is that it is not always easy to promote a certain product or service. People do not automatically visit your affiliate website. This is where the training comes in. If you can succeed as an affiliate for a company you can succeed with your own Internet business in the future. There will be no need to pay expensive school fees.

To your success !

Francois du Toit is the owner of, a website designed to help new entrepreneurs succeed by evaluating various online and offline business opportunities, affiliate programs and network marketing options. The website also offers free articles and tools that will assist webmasters in building profitable websites.Freddi Blog66663
Vania Blog50130

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Business Text Software Means Success Is Just A Finger Click Away

Regardless of what size your business is, the single most important part of its success are your customers. You may have the best staff in your field, with the best management team to lead them, but without customers, how are you going to enjoy enough success to keep that team together? Thanks to mobile text advertising software, the answer may be easier than you think.

What Is Mobile Text Advertising Software?

Simply put, mobile text software is the next generation of advertising to both your existing customer base, and any potential new clients at the same time, using technology that everyone is familiar with. With the mobile phone industry playing such a crucial part in any business, you can see why a service such as mobile text advertising is virtually a no-brainer - after all, wouldn't any business like a potential client base of over 200 million contacts?

It's so easy to use as well, and the best part of all is that it's absolutely free - simply pay a one-off fee for the software itself, and there's no need to worry about individual text costs, different service provider charges, etc. All you need is for your company website to support the software we provide, and that's it - no hidden costs, no provider charges and no monthly administration costs. Just one simple payment for the software, and it's yours to use for life!

How Does Mobile Text Advertising Work?

Unlike many other online advertising campaigns, mobile text advertising is simplicity itself to set up and maintain. The software itself runs in conjunction with your product, so no matter what industry you're in, you'll always be ahead of the game when it comes to advertising to your customers, both new and old.

If you already have an email permission form on your website, you'll be familiar with how mobile text advertising works. When the software is installed on your site, every visitor will automatically be asked if they want to receive information about your products. However, the difference is that instead of that information going to an email account, where it could be ignored or filtered out with anti-spam software, the advertisement goes directly to that user's mobile phone.

Since everyone has their mobile phone on them at all times (especially businessmen for whom it's often the make-or-break tool in any sale), you're guaranteed that your message is getting read. And what better way to attract new sales or repeat business than an already receptive audience?

And since all the legwork is done by the automated software, you don't even have to worry about maintaining a database, leaving you to concentrate on making the best profits! Profits which are made even larger since there is no cost to send texts via mobile advertising, since it uses Web-to-mobilephone software.

Setting Mobile Text Advertising Up

One of the truly great features offered by mobile text advertising is the ease in which it can be set up, particularly if you're a small to medium sized business with little or no IT support teams. The software is already pre-programmed to be tailored to any website, and because of this, you don't even need to know how to programme - all you need to know is how to copy paste text onto your website, and you can be up and running within 30 minutes.

Couple this with full updates whenever mobile phone carriers have their own software updates, as well as the fact that you can change the text and advertising images to anything that you want to tell customers about, and you can see why mobile text advertising is the only way forward for your company.

What Do I Do Now?

Now that you know how it works, you can surely see the numerous benefits your company can expect when you purchase the mobile text advertising software. What you probably don't realise is how inexpensive it currently is to get it for your own company.

For the one-off payment of $39.99, not only will you get the software to install on your website, but you'll also receive a full digital user guide, to make sure you get the best possible results. Also included are four bonus pieces of software, from marketing tips and strategies to a full resource directory to show you how to maximise sales and follow-up advertising.

So, if you want to get ahead of your competitors, there's really no need to wait any longer - get started with mobile text advertising today, and watch your sales fly in.

Sean Derfield is a bar owner, and online marketer. He has many sites that deal with bringing more business thru your doors.Evita Blog50269
Esther Blog56185

The Real Way to Launch a New Site and Dominate the Market

There are a lot of misconceptions going on about how to start making money with a new or even an old site. Ill pretend like were talking about a new site but the idea would be the same if it was an old site. Lets pretend that we have a quality design, a good product and everything online is 100% ready to go. Now we need the traffic.

Lets pretend that we are selling car parts and I have all my car parts in stock and ready to go. I have a 68 ford mustang left hand door skin, if I rank this part for the keyword car, then Ill get people looking for new cars, car pictures, car dealers, used cars and the list goes on and on. That would be a waste of bandwidth, time and energy for me; I will not sell this part to someone looking for a new car or someone that does not even own a Mustang.

A little common sense tells me that I need to sell this to someone who is looking for a 68 Ford Mustang left hand door skin. I notice that I have a red one, blue one and a black one. Im going to take my blue one and create a page named blue-mustang-door-skin.

On this page Im going to write up some text about my 68 Ford Mustang Blue Door Skin. Ill use the words 68 Blue Ford Mustang Door Skin at the start of my article, in the text, at the end of my article, in bold, in header tags, in plural and singular words and Ill use those words together and separate from each other and in links coming and going from this page and most importantly, Ill use them in my page title.

Ill also have pictures of my Blue 68 Ford Mustang Door Skins that are optimized and set up for the search engines. They will rank if someone does a search in images for a 68 Blue Mustang Door Skin and they will rank if someone does a search in the organic engine for 68 Blue Mustang Door Skin because this is a non-competitive search term. Ill have a call to action that will take my visitor to my shopping cart when he is ready to make the purchase.

On this page Ill have links on the left hand side that will link to a page called Door Skins, 68 Red Mustang Door Skins, 68 Black Mustang Door Skins and the list will go on and on pointing people to different model and ages of cars that I have door skins for.

Ill do this for every part and product that Im selling. Once I finish, I will send out press releases about my new site, about my products and then Ill write articles about my products and link those back to my products with the proper anchor text. Ill submit these to article websites; Ill then find car forums and start posting in those and use my signatures to link back to my product pages. Ill create a blog and forum on my site to talk about my business and products and link to my products from that blog every chance I get. Ill write post in my blog that we get others to link back to my blog.

Ill create small sites like a 68 Ford Mustang website where Ill give information and have a little forum for people that are interested in 68 Ford Mustangs to post. Ill use this website to link to my products and help promote my main site. Once its going good Ill create a new forum for 69 Ford Mustang lovers.

I could go on and on, Ive not even started writing yet, there are so many ways to make money online.

It will take me some time and a lot of work but I will dominate the market that Im in.

This entry was posted on Friday, November 10th, 2006 at 2:55 pm and is filed under Search Engine Optimization. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Janeth Duque is the owner of Geeks On Steroids and is well-known in the world of web design and search engine optimization. Web Site: Geeks on Steroids. View her website at: Blog10111
Vanda Blog17655

Is Home Business really a Business?

Home business, doesn’t it strikes you? But then another question hammers in your mind, whether it is a credible & lucrative business just like others? This is a never ending argument between Successful and Botched people who tried this business. Do you know that only 2 % people are successful in home business and 98% are failures. Can you think of who are those 2 percenters. successors?Why majority people are botched? Let me discuss some core issues about home business.

What is the Home Business?

A business you can operate from your home in flexible hrs. You will be your own boss. There is only a small investment and above all you can work with World’s Top marketing companies. You can earn decent money for your efforts and knowledge.

Who is the right person to do it?

In my opinion everybody can do this business, who have a strong urge to do something with certain level of commitment and dedication. But one can generate a handsome income only after having accumulated a reasonable knowledge about marketing techniques, knowledge of your target audience/market and certainly latest promotional tools, because INTERNET is the fastest way to market your products and services. A good knowledge of email marketing, websites and search engines will be additives to your income & success. You must be innovative and creative while marketing your products and services. There are no set rules, every successful marketers have developed their own strategies. You will also learn when you decide not to quit but to persist your enthu to succeed.

Is it worth to invest money in home business?

YES! I say yes, if you are really serious about this business you have to invest some money wisely just like any other business. For eg. if you are planning to open a shop, you need space at a high traffic area, you need some hot selling products, you have to do some interior to make it attractive and last but not least you have to advertise your business to get customers. All the above requires wealth/capital to invest. Right! Same basic rule also applies in home business.

Why 98% peoples fails?

This is a naked and callous truth about home business that 98 % people are failures. The foremost reason is lack of knowledge, patience and earnestness. Most of the people joins Network marketing companies to earn quick money without doing anything. They endeavor it for few months and then give up. They never attempt to learn the right techniques and strategies, they only want some quick bucks. They don’t be bothered for their customers or downline. They are reluctant to solve the problems of their customers and downline, which results in dissatisfaction and frustration and then finally surrender. This ends the business in itself because ‘U’ ultimately will end up with no earning and get only a ruined business.

Who are the Successful 2 percenters?

These 2 per centers are the people who never quit and have faith in themselves. They learn from their mistakes and imbibe a lot more from apex of these businesses. They motivate themselves endlessly and help others in their downline to achieve the same. They are taking towering risk as they know that nothing comes without efforts. They strive to imitate and generate new ideas from their upline and other successful Marketers. They always welcome new ideas, believes in acceptance, always ready to take risk, and have a ‘NEVER SAY DIE’ Attitude. Believes strongly in “If someone can earn, then why can’t I?”

Why more and more people are going for it?

According to my study and observation, a lot more individuals are looking for home business opportunities and the only one main reason is ‘TIME’. Today maximum no. of populace is fed up of their working schedules, jobs and lifestyle. There is no time for the family, oneself and/or society. A hate feeling has developed for routine 9 to 6 hrs job as the maximum times goes in commutation (3-4 hrs. daily) from home to office and then office to home. After a long drenching day reached home fully exhausted and frustrated. So the Idea of home business always fascinates them. They would have always dreamt about it. That’s why every 45 second someone has joined the home business worldwide. It is an alarming figure and more and more people opt home business as substitute earning source. You know 90% of the working mothers don’t have more then 2 hrs daily for their kids. This is very provoking for both mothers and kids, their family bonding is at a risk. The only solution for this problem is owning home business where one can not only earn well but also have a suffice time for family and oneself.

In my opinion everybody has a right to live freely and must devote enough time with their family. So joining a home business is really good decision but mind you, you have to work smartly and not hard. Now a days a lot of successful marketers are ready to share their secrets with you and you get all valuable information for just a few bucks. If you are really thinking about to start a home business consider some points before you join:

1) Check the company’s reputation, their promoters their products and existence of company and Track record.

2) Check if the company paying their affiliates timely.

3) Is the products are really good quality.

4) Is your upline supportive.

Once you verify the above points, go and join it and start working as this is your own business. If you are determined and ready to learn, you will definitely win.

Best of luck for your successful home business.

Amar Srivastava is a successful Affiliate of some top notch Network marketing companies and have a 7 years of experience in Internet marketing. If you wish to contact him and want to subscribe his weekly news letter just send an email to: or visit for a legitimate Home Business opportunity.Vitoria Blog61671
Fey Blog86450

Using Autoresponders With Internet Marketing

If youve ever dealt with an online company or subscribed to an ezine or other service on the Internet before, youve more than likely received an email from an autoresponder. Although you may not have realized it at the time, it was probably an email letting you know that the individual you were trying to reach isnt available. Even though it appears that someone else sent the message, it was indeed sent from an autoresponder.

Although autoresponders are great for letting others know that you are away, they are even more valuable when used as a marketing tool. If youve thought about selling products or services online or if you already own your own company, you could greatly benefit from autoresponders. In the world of Internet marketing few tools and programs can compete with an autoresponder.

As many Internet marketers already know, autoresponders are a great way to put your business on autopilot and multiply yourself. With an autoresponder, simply set up your preset messages, and select the schedule that each individual message will go out. When messages go out is entirely up to you, you can send them out on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. You can also use as many messages as you want, and know without a shadow of a doubt that they will go out to those on your customer list when they are supposed to.

Best of all, you dont even have to touch it. This will save you a lot of time, as your autoresponder will handle virtually all of your email tasks. It will follow up with your customers as well, saving you a lot of time there. If you had to follow up with each and every one of your customers yourself, it could cost a lot of time that you could easily be using for other things even spending time with your family.

Even if your business doesnt have a lot of site visitors now, an autoresponder can still help you out. Even though you may not think so, it can do a world of wonders. No matter how many visitors you have, you should always strive to capture all the opt-ins that you can. The best way to do this is by providing high quality products and services that will keep your visitors intrigued. If you keep them intrigued, they will gladly sign up to your list with their email address and their name, so that you can contact them with future offers. Even though may be starting out small, your opt-in list can get really big before you know it.

Once your list has grown, it will easily become one of the most valued assets of your entire company. In order for your list to grow, youll need to answer emails about your products, services, company, and what you can do for your customers. You dont need to spend all day doing this anymore, as you can leave everything to your autoresponder. Your autoresponder can answer all of your email questions and give customers what they want which will help your company grow.

Almost all autoresponders will enable you to send broadcast messages to your entire client list among other things. They will also let you stay in touch with your customers and establish relationships that will keep your customers coming back. No matter how big or how small your company may be an autoresponder is one investment that you is more than worth your money.

Liza Othman manages an ebook website. For more related articles, visit Blog76895
Fanchette Blog25612

Do Not Go Past Google, Do Not Collect $200

Are you relying too heavily on one Pay-Per-Click advertising network for your affiliate marketing? Some affiliates rely on Google AdWords only, and they are losing out on a great deal of revenue.

Many affiliates get into affiliate marketing after reading one of the popular ebooks on the topic that are sold online. But most of these ebooks concentrate on training people to use Google AdWords. I figure that is because Google has higher traffic volumes and because it is very easy to quickly set up your first affiliate campaigns. Many affiliates never get past AdWords, though, and that is where they are losing out.

You should already know that its never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. Particularly when that one basket has seen better days. I can assure you that relying heavily on one advertising network, particularly Google AdWords, is not a smart strategy for growing your affiliate marketing business.

For some affiliate products advertising at the other networks will be even more profitable. In fact you should be using all of the three major pay-per-click networks. They are Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft Adcenter, and Google Adwords.

Here are five reasons why you should consider using a different Pay-Per-Click advertising network.

Reason One You Receive No Traffic

Sometimes when you set up a campaign at one of the advertising networks, you dont receive any traffic. This can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes you can change something in your campaign to get your ads running, but other times nothing seems to help. So switch advertising network. You could be up and running in no time.

Reason Two Because of Editorial Policy

Sometimes you cannot get certain ad campaigns to be accepted due to the particular networks editorial and content policies.

For example, Google has recently been rejecting campaigns that promote sites for music and movie file-sharing. Ive been trying to run a legitimate campaign for one of the major legal music downloading services, and its just taking too much effort to get Google to look closer and recognize that my campaign is legitimate. I have more or less given up and the campaign is now running at Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN Adcenter instead.

Reason Three For Price of Traffic

Sometimes the price at which you can get traffic on a given keyword phrase will vary widely from one network to another. So if you are not getting traffic at a price you are willing to pay, try switching to another advertising network.

Reason Four To Replicate Your Campaigns

What do you usually do after you find a successful affiliate product? Do you improve your ads, add more keywords, add more countries, and increase your investment? Well, dont forget to add more advertising networks.

For every successful affiliate campaign you identify, you should be trying to get it running profitably at all three major Pay-Per-Click networks, if at all possible.

Reason Five To Test New Products and Retest Old Ones

Too many affiliate marketers are only testing out new affiliate marketing campaigns at Google AdWords. The, if the affiliate product is successful at Google AdWords they might roll out the campaign on the other networks. This strategy is seriously flawed.

The problem with this is that there are so many affiliate marketers using Google AdWords compared with a few years ago. They have pushed up the price of traffic on many of the popular keywords and it is much harder to get low-priced clicks now in many topic areas. An affiliate product that was once very good may no longer be profitable using AdWords because of the rising price of traffic.

And that right there is why many affiliates give up. I recommend that affiliates break out of the habit of only using Google Adwords to test new affiliate products. Try some products first at Yahoo Search Marketing or MSN Adcenter. Remember that traffic may or may not be cheaper than AdWords. That is not critical either way, because you will quickly discover that conversion ratios are different too.

I have given you five reasons to take your advertising dollars and spend them somewhere else. Your affiliate marketing business will be better off if you do.

Perhaps you should go back to some of the affiliate products you tested and threw away at AdWords. You just might identify some affiliate products that are actually profitable using another pay-per-click network.

Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Download your free report on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' at http://www.DanielMoro.comFeliza Blog23849
Farrah Blog31887

Start An Internet Home Business And Earn Extra Income Online

Are you searching for ways to supplement your income? Many are turning to the internet as it is such a convenient platform to use to start an internet business and earn extra income online from home.

Prior to starting your search on the internet for an extra income opportunity or deciding to start an internet home business, it may be a good idea to find out if that is the ideal way for you to earn extra income.

Everybodys circumstances differ and they have different reasons for needing to earn extra income. So many people today just cannot make it through the month on their salary and therefore they need to be looking long term at finding a way to earn extra income on a regular basis to make ends meet and to have a more comfortable life.

Others may decide that they would rather take an overseas holiday next year instead of a local one or that they would rather pay off their mortgage bond in 10 years as opposed to say 15 or 20 years.

Some may decide they require extra income to pay off their debts and to start building a nest egg for later on in life. Others may need to provide for further education for their children.

Whilst it may be simple to start an internet business and sound ideal to be able to work at home bear in mind that it takes time and effort, patience and determination to earn extra income online. It is not as easy as it sounds and therefore is not suitable for everybody.

Starting an internet business is the easy part and then one is going to go through a huge learning curve to master and implement the internet marketing methods that work. It takes time to build momentum and generate enough targeted traffic to your website to start earning extra income. So starting an internet business is not a quick fix solution for someone in urgent need of money.

The great advantage of starting an internet business is that you can continue building your business forever. As long as you have your own domain name and website you will be in total control of your business and be able to make changes to the site and add to it as you wish. There is no limit to how much you can earn, it is all going to depend on how much quality time you put in on a consistent basis. The sky is the limit and you could easily end up turning your extra online income into a full time income and be able to fire your boss and work at home full time.

If on the other hand you need money urgently by the end of the month starting an internet business is not going to be the answer for you. You will barely have got the business launched yet alone had time to start building momentum and drive targeted traffic to your website. Rather that starting an internet business you would more likely make extra income quicker by partaking in the data entry business and online survey income programs.

It is always advisable to have a second income stream as a job is never guaranteed. There is also the very real and frightening fact about how much money we need if we intend retiring. With the cost of living rising all the time, the average person does not earn enough to be able to save for retirement or for an unexpected big expense.

If you start an internet business working from home in the evenings, before there is a crisis, it will give you time to build a solid base to a good source of extra online income.

Cynthia Minnaar is the owner and webmaster of, where you can find extra income opportunities and learn how to start an internet business. You can choose your own domain name and start your own online home business today with an income generating site set up free within 24 hours Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article provided you include the resource box at the end.Valentia Blog26081
Freddy Blog56853

Home Business Success Stories

Do you want to start your own home business? Are you a bit scared because you think that you will lose all of your money? Does it seem to you that every home business fails? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are in the majority. There are thousands of people from one side of the world to the next that want to start their own home business. But even though they are thinking about it, they do not move forward because they are scared to lose money, or that they will fail before they even taste success. Even though these are viable concerns, you need to get past them so that you can be a success.

Believe it or not there are many home business success stories out there. Have you ever heard any before? If not, there are places that you can go to get a good dose of them. If you need a bit of motivation, a home business success story is the way to go. And to find home business success stories you do not have to look any further than the internet. There are hundreds of people that have successfully started their own home business who will be more than willing to share their story with you.

To find success stories you will want to go to your favorite search engine and type in home business success stories. This will give you plenty of results to search through. Within an hour or so you will have the motivation that you need in order to get over your fears, and start your own home business.

If you cannot find any success stories that have already been written there are other places to look. Become a member of one of the many forums that are available. After becoming a member make a post asking for success stories. Soon enough you will have plenty of people telling you how they got started, as well as where they are today. This is also a great place to get questions answered, and to find a mentor.

There are people who have successfully started their own home business. It may seem impossible for you right now, but the fact of the matter is that it can happen. The best way to realize your potential is to read the success stories that are online. This will give you the motivation that you need, while also allowing you to become familiar with what it takes to reach your goals.

Find success stories if you too want to be a success. Follow your goals of owning a home based business, and do not stop until you reach what you have been striving for.

© 2006 Sean Grimes

This article was written by Sean Grimes. Frederica Blog67452
Vicki Blog95429

Discover Your Home Work Business Opportunities & Create Your Own Business Online

Within this article today, we're going to look at creating a home work business that focuses on the Internet and online. There are many different home based online businesses that you can focus on and we will look at what you should look for within a particular business that you want to do.

There are great many homeworker business opportunities for you in creating a home work based business that focuses on the Internet and online. One of the best resources for you to find information about this is at You'll want to spend a great deal of time visiting this website because you can find many different webmaster affiliates programs that you can market in many different categories. Some of the categories that they have that you can market include finance and investment, food and beverage, automotive, and health and fitness. Take the time to read because each webmaster affiliates program will list their website as well as a small description on what they do and you will want to visit the website as well. If you are going to be spending a great deal of your time promoting a particular website and program, you'll want to make sure that this is worth your while. Also, with each of these particular affiliate programs, you should look at how much money you would be making by selling each of these. You'll probably find several webmaster affiliate programs that seem interesting to you so see which one peaks your interest and pays well and head for that real home based business opportunity.

Another place I highly recommend you to visit is at You should spend your time visiting the website, because there are a lot of golden homeworker business opportunities waiting for you to tap-in. You can learn everything you have to know for earning money online at home. There are different categories of how to make money online at home such as making money with affiliate marketing business, making money with social networking, making money with blogging and making money with AdSense. Youll probably find your own way to make money online at home from that website. Also, you will definitely find the wealthy of informative about earning money online at home. That website gives you a real home based business opportunity online!

As far as fair warning for what seems to be opportunities on the Web for other things, there are many different websites that promise that you can make money through either taking surveys or through posting on free forums for several hours day. This sounded good and many people have signed up and found that they have wasted a great deal of time and money in the end when trying out these so-called "homeworker business opportunities". Remember to listen to your gut when you're thinking about this. There are many work-at-home scams out there so make sure to take your time in reading about what the different websites have to offer.

Be aware of work-at-home scams or internet scams at: Youll discover wealthy of informative about how to be aware of making money scams online. I highly recommend you to spend your time on that website, if you are NOT sure about how to make money online at home. My final word is to Be aware, NOT be scare!".

Another great home work business opportunity that has an online focus can be selling products on eBay. This is stressed throughout some articles on this website but it is a great tool for you to begin your career. You can learn how to write sales copy for your auctions as well as how to properly promote yourself. If you take the lessons to be learned on eBay and apply them to other Internet marketing areas, you will find yourself ready to tackle almost anything out there.

Hopefully this article on creating home work based business that focuses on the Internet and online has been beneficial to you. When I designed this article and wrote it, I want you to know what to look for within a particular online business as well as what to do for it. It is important to know what to look for as well as what to avoid.

Finally, I am sure that creating your home based business online in the right way will help you making money online at home. There are a TON of homeworker business opportunities out there waiting for you to tap-in. I would love to recommend you to start your own home based business right now and learn everything you have to know for building your own high profitable home based business online.

Visit now to get up-to-date information for home based business online and learn exactly how to build highly profitable successful home based internet marketing business from millionaire internet entrepreneurs at: and Youll discover workable & proven inside secrets and proactive internet entrepreneurs who are willing to help you to your success.

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.Flower Blog19629
Verena Blog29705
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